The big move.

The big move away from home is a major life moment. Between the excitement of branching out, the fear of the unknown and sense of loss that often accompanies change the journey can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.
We hope the tips and tricks below will help make things easier so you spend less time worrying and more time enjoying the moment.
Make a checklist of the things your new apartment needs.
It might seem obvious, but there’s nothing more stressful than the realisation that the new place is missing a few of life’s necessities.
Declutter before you move.
This is where you get to channel your inner-Marie Kondo. There’s a good chance that your new place is going to be a tad smaller than the nest you’re leaving so a good declutter can be worth its weight in gold when the time comes to try and squeeze all your worldly possessions into your new space.
Invest in a great mattress.
We would say that though wouldn’t we. Seriously though, if you’re flatting or in shared accommodation your bedroom is going to become your own little sanctuary. A great mattress is going to make those nights watching Netflix and those epic weekend sleep ins so much more enjoyable.
Unpack your bed first.
There’s nothing better than being able to rest your head on your own bed at the end of a big moving day. There’s also nothing worse than being tired, covered in moving dust and realising that while your kitchen setup looks a-mazing, you’ve got nothing out to sleep on.